Sunday, February 26, 2012

About me =)

There's not much to really say about myself. Well I'm 18 years old and I'm Ecuadorian but I was borin here in U.S.A. I go to college, its my second semester freshman year majoring in criminal justice. I'm very shy in front of people and I do not like to speak up in front of people, i tend to get nervous at times. People think I'm loud because of the way speak, that's just the way i just am. I like to go play handball and volleyball at the park with my close friends. My future plans are going to the Marines to serve the country for four years, still deciding if I should go for not, for me is way to hard to leave my family. My goal right now is just go to school and find a nice stable job so i can gain experience since I do not have none at all. I'm just a normal girl like everybody else that has very big dreams. I'm trying my best so I can go forward in life with positive thought in mind.