Thursday, May 3, 2012

Racial Stratification and Education in the United states: Why Inequality Persists

     In this article that I've read Ogbu argues that School performance gap maintains how it is because the forces of racial stratification. A school district wanted to prevent from blacks and whites to get together so they got the black lowest test score to the district which made even a larger gap. The problem of Racial Stratification is that the school performance gap is limited to poor blacks who are living in the inner cities. Stated that students who have parents that completed four years of college wouldn't do well in school than students who have parents that didn't even finish high school. the gap was because of where they live which was in the suburbs.

3 ways in which racial stratification enters into African Americans
1. through societal educational policies and practices for example denying blacks equal education
2. perceived and treated in the specific schools they attend
3. perceptions and responses to their schooling
i think black and whites should be equal. if social stratification wouldn't exist now, there wouldn't be people ranking people for how much they know. blacks could have the same education as white so they can have a chance in getting a job.

The Hispanic Dropout Mystery: A Staggering 30 Percent Leave School, Far More Than Blacks or Whites. Why?

Hispanic students nation-wide is 30 percent nearly three times the rate for whites and twice the rate for blacks. Hispanics that were born here was the highest percentage than those who weren't born here. Language is one reason that Hispanics weren't successful. some live in poverty which causes for Hispanics to dropout Peer pressure causes to drop out as well.
 I think hispanics dropout because students judge then by their race,or parents dont even support their kids. Poverty has become a great issue in our lives.

"people like us" (documentary)

I know this blog is late...

This documentary title People like us was about class, how they struggled and their range throughout America. We are usually ranked by the clothes we wear, the type of car we have, how we communicate with others, how much money we have in our income,, types of friends, our education and a lot more. i remmmber we discussed this in class, how people can just say something just for what they see.. like I can have an iphone but be broke and have a wack job. In the video there was this nice lady who was working in burger king earning minimum wage, working hard but for a fact she isn't going nowhere because she doesn't earn as much money as she wants too. Class can be classed by their social status and race. inequality still exists in America..