Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Men and Women

"A call to men"

   Its about men being thought to be strong, courageous, tough, dominated, or have no emotion, no fear, exception of getting angry. Tony Porter had said that men are in charge and women are not and men lead and we follow. That men are superior and women are interior. Women have less value, are property of men and are sex objects. He said there's something called a men box where it tells us how we can define what it means to be a men . Tony said that it would put men down if someone tells a men that he's acting like a "women".  Towards the ending of the video he had said that he asked a nine year old boy, what would life be like if there such thing as a men box. The boy said "life would be free"  

"Killing Us Softly" (1979)
              Women are advertised everywhere and had a negative impact in women. These ads influence women, they tell women they either have to be skinny, sexy or revealing. Women feel guilty and ashamed when they fail to have the ideal look. It said failure is inedible because the ideal is based on absolute flawlessness. In advertisement there's no women that have lines, wrinkles, no scars, no pours and blemishes. It also said that if we are not beautiful, thin, rich or successful, it's because we are not trying hard enough. This thing of being so called "perfect" had lowered women's self-esteem and also influences how men feel about real women they are with. The media had turned women into objects not as humans or as sex objects. Women who are involved in the media either have a disorder, are forced to have sex, are pregnant. Media had influenced women that they need to be perfect.

Gender Socialization

The active learning of the socially acceptable attitudes, traits, and behavior that are seen by one's society as appropriate for males or females. Men and women have different social norms such as men have to be tough and women type sensitive.  People who see girls acting the complete opposite that girls should be acting they are call "tomboys" and boys who cry and are very emotional may be called "sissies" Media had influence everyone in some way .

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication is from our body movements, gestures, and facial expressions.
   There was one day when I was with my mom, she was talking to me about my friends thinking that they are a bad influence for me, I just roll my eyes and shrug my shoulders. My mom was like so confused, asking me what I try to say to her by doing those movements. I told her what it meant, rolling my eyes is like saying what ever I don't care and shrugging my shoulders is like "and".  Some people is the society can express themselves just by making body movement like jumping around with a smiley face which can mean she can't wait for something or she's just very happy. Gestures can be wavy your hand to either say hello or goodbye.  There's also times when I see people that I know, I just smile at them to make sure they don't think I'm ignoring. A smile can mean so many things, maybe pretending you're happy, saying hi sometimes. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


        Every one here in this world has some routine that they do in their own country, its either waking up and saying good morning to your parents or taking off your hat as soon as you walk in the house to show some respect. Well about two months ago my cousins from Ecuador had came to New York. Whenever they come over, my parents made food for everyone. When my parents are done serving it in plates, we all sit in the table and of course we wait until everyone sits, we stay quiet and choose whose going to pray but usually my three year old cousin does the praying.(Its so adorable) My family has this routine or however you want to call it to pray before we eat, it either you praying by yourself or doing in a whole group. We all do these to have some consideration on the person who made the food and God who is the most important. I remember when we were all together, we were getting to eat, just because I took a piece of bread, I got the attention of my little cousin, she's like "Did you pray". There's not a day when we do not pray for our food. Its just to thank God that we have food in our table which some people out there that are starving with no food at all.
         We also have to say "bendicion" which is to give us our blessing, we say it either when we say hi in the morning or before we leave somewhere. It's something called having respect for the one who raised us our whole entire lives. My parents get mad when i don't say it in the morning, they be like (why u didn't say "bendicion"). Its a big deal for them.