Saturday, March 17, 2012

Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication is from our body movements, gestures, and facial expressions.
   There was one day when I was with my mom, she was talking to me about my friends thinking that they are a bad influence for me, I just roll my eyes and shrug my shoulders. My mom was like so confused, asking me what I try to say to her by doing those movements. I told her what it meant, rolling my eyes is like saying what ever I don't care and shrugging my shoulders is like "and".  Some people is the society can express themselves just by making body movement like jumping around with a smiley face which can mean she can't wait for something or she's just very happy. Gestures can be wavy your hand to either say hello or goodbye.  There's also times when I see people that I know, I just smile at them to make sure they don't think I'm ignoring. A smile can mean so many things, maybe pretending you're happy, saying hi sometimes. 


  1. I have been in this same kind of situation before. I think non-verbal communication is one of the most important things in our society today. It is about the way we act and express ourselves even without speaking that gives us a better understanding of communication between one another but also a different way of expression.

    Sometimes it can be hard because a person's facial expressions can look one way and mean another but the majority of the time, we are able to distinguish the differences between the different expressions and try to better understand where a person is coming from. We must first understand the nonverbal communication to better understand the verbal communication

  2. I find interesting how the meaning of gestures that we use constantly can vary depending on who you are using it with. You exposed a good example when your mother didn't understand what your gestures meant

    However, there are many gestures that perhaps we should be careful not to use in other cultures, as their understanding of it may cause a bigger deal than a conversation to clarify.

    I found this website with funny examples of some gestures that can get you in trouble in other countries. Did you know when you give someone the "thumbs up" sign in West Africa you are basically giving them your middle finger :O Here's the link:

  3. I love that you guys are communicating witn each other even though you are not in the same class. Good work.

  4. I am very interested to look at those nonverbal icons. people also react many times our expression by using nonverbal communication.
    sometimes, this nonverbal may bring misunderstand to us, so that we may be using carefully. In my case, when my grandfather was passed away,I should have been reacted sad face, but at thins time i had had short vacation from military, and I expressed boring facial movement. My parents looked at my face, and they were so disappointed to me although i did mean it.
